Partnership Application


Please complete our online partnership application. A member of our team will contact you to follow up with your submitted partnership application. We look forward to meeting you!

Select An Option

CONNECTION PARTNER: $79 per month/$948 annually

Includes all features of Choose Partner plus,

Registration for most of Choose Folsom's annual, premier business events is included in this package.  You will be sent a reminder and your own registration link 30 days before the event.  Don't ever miss an event due to a sell out! 

  • Ticket to annual State of the City luncheon 
  • Ticket to annual Future Folsom economic forecast breakfast 
  • Ticket to Annual Folsom’s Community Awards Celebration 
  • Ticket to Folsom Focus series (total of 6 events in annual series)
  • Ticket to quarterly mixers 
  • Invitation to annual Legislative Reception (high level, invitation only networking opportunity)

CHOOSE PARTNER: $295 annually

Includes features of the COMPLIMENTARY Membership plus:

  • Enhanced online listing with images, key words and videos
  • Opportunity to attend networking events, many complimentary.
  • Discount pricing on large business events
  • Opportunity to purchase services and sponsor events at discounted rate

MEMBERSHIP: Complimentary

  • Subscription to weekly business newsletter, sent on Tuesdays
  • Subscription to community newsletter (Top 5 Folsom) sent on Thursdays

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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